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Omega Replica Watches

The trio stunned Georges Golay in 1977 with this amazing movement. He was blown away. Oliviero Bottinelli is my friend, a member of the Bottinelli clan. He says, "Uncle George had a vision." He was willing to take risks when it mattered most because he knew that audacity, creativity and courage were the keys to our survival in the Quartz Crisis. To create what no other person could imagine or dare to do."

Golay was so confident in his project, that he ordered 159 watches immediately,Omega Replica Watches almost as many calendar watches as AP has made since 1924. A great movement is nothing without an equally great design. Golay set to work immediately with Jacqueline Dimier, a woman of exceptional talent.

Jacqueline Dimier is a design genius who, in many ways, was the protégé of Gerald Genta. She is pictured here at the Royal Oak Frosted Gold launch.

The 1986 Omega Replica Watches Tourbillon calibre 2870 is a prime example of Jacqueline Dimier’s design work.

Jacqueline Dimier, a brilliant designer who joined AP in 1975,Patek Philippe Replica was also responsible for designing the first ladies Royal Oak watch in 1976. Later, she would design the first wristwatch tourbillon to be produced in series. It was launched in 1986, and featured the sunray guilloche, inspired by Ra, the Egyptian sun God.

It is clear that Dimier knew about the Patek Philippe 3448, launched in 1961, which was the only automatic perpetual calendar made in serial. She would also have noted that the Patek 3448 measured 37mm in diameter, but was 11mm thick. The 5548 was 36mm (or 37.5mm for some versions) in diameter but only 7mm thick, a vast difference to the 3448.